Presentación del modelo especial LGB Alpine Cruise Ge 4/4 III para el intento de récord mundial

Se avecina un evento espectacular: Märklin / LGB estará presente con una locomotora especial.

Entrar en el Libro Guinness de los Récords con el tren de pasajeros más largo del mundo: ése es el objetivo que se ha marcado el Ferrocarril Rético, uno de los mayores ferrocarriles alpinos de Suiza, para el 29.10.2022. El Dr. Renato Fasciati, director de la RhB, ha anunciado ahora los detalles del intento oficial de récord, que tendrá lugar en Bergün en el marco de las celebraciones del 175º aniversario de los ferrocarriles suizos. Hoy ha presentado una locomotora eléctrica de la clase Ge 4/4 III con el número de explotación 644, que llamará la atención sobre el intento de récord mundial con un colorido diseño en la red de rutas de la RhB. 25 unidades múltiples de cuatro vagones del último modelo "Capricornio", es decir, 100 vagones con una longitud total de 1.910 m, recorrerán la ruta Albula / Bernina, Patrimonio de la Humanidad, por puentes, viaductos, túneles y curvas. Promete ser un espectáculo impresionante.

Märklin apoyará y acompañará la espectacular acción como empresa asociada. El director general Wolfrad Bächle presentó la versión especial de una locomotora LGB para el ferrocarril de jardín a escala 1:22,5 para celebrar la ocasión. Esta locomotora también muestra el diseño de su gran modelo de papel en el ferrocarril de los jardines y también llama la atención allí sobre el evento único del próximo octubre.

Estamos orgullosos de que Märklin haya podido acompañar la idea desde el principio y de que sea un socio principal. El Dr. Fasciati, del RhB, y Wolfrad Bächle han intercambiado intensamente ideas entre ellos y con sus equipos para preparar el escenario necesario para el evento.
El diseño de la locomotora publicitaria se determinó en coordinación conjunta entre Märklin y la RhB. Se referirá adecuada y repetidamente al espectacular intento de récord mundial durante toda su vida.


Presentation of the LGB special model Alpine Cruise Ge 4/4 III for the world record attempt

Spectacular event on the horizon - Märklin / LGB to be there with special locomotive
Rolling into the Guinness Book of Records with the world's longest passenger train - that's the goal set by the Rhaetian Railway, one of Switzerland's largest Alpine railroads, for Oct. 29, 2022. RhB Dr. Director Renato Fasciati has now announced details of the official record attempt, which is to take place in Berguen, Switzerland as part of the 175th anniversary celebrations of Swiss Railways. Today he presented an electric locomotive of the Ge 4/4 III series with the road number 644, which will draw attention to the world record attempt with a colorful design on the RhB's route network. 25 four-car multiple units of the latest "Capricorn" model, i.e. 100 cars with a total length of 1,910m will make their way down the Albula / Bernina World Heritage route over bridges, viaducts, tunnels and spiral tunnels. It promises to be a breathtaking sight.
Märklin will support and accompany the spectacular action as a partner company. Managing Director Wolfrad Bächle presented a special version of an LGB locomotive for garden railroading on a scale of 1:22.5 to mark the occasion. This locomotive will display the design of its large prototype on the garden railroad and will also draw attention there to the unique event next October.
We are proud that Märklin was able to accompany the idea from the very beginning and will be a Main Partner. Dr. Fasciati from the RhB and Wolfrad Bächle have had intensive discussions with each other and with their teams in order to prepare the necessary stage for the event.
The design of the advertising locomotive was determined in joint coordination between Märklin and the RhB. This is to refer appropriately and repeatedly to the spectacular world record attempt throughout its every-day circulation.

";"L21431";"Ge 4/4 III";"RhB";"G";"Lokomotiven";"VI""4011525214311";"EN";Class Ge 4/4 III Electric Locomotive;This is a model of the RhB class Ge 4/4 III electric locomotive with RhB road number 644. This locomotive is running in a special paint scheme promoting the world record attempt with 25 Capricorn powered rail car trains in October. The paint scheme and lettering are prototypical for Era VI. All 4 wheelsets driven by two powerful Bühler motors. The locomotive has an mfx/DCC decoder with many light and sound functions. The pantographs are powered by servomotors and can be controlled digitally. Length over the buffers 65 cm / 25-5/8".;The class Ge 4/4 III electric locomotives are the latest locomotives on the RhB and they can be seen pulling all types of trains. With a performance of 2,400 kilowatts / 3,217 horsepower and a maximum speed of 100 km/h / 63 mph, they meet all the requirements present for use on a mountain railroad. In recent years, the RhB began to modernize these locomotives delivered starting in the mid-Nineties. The electronics were updated and thereby brought up to the current standard and the locomotives were equipped with modern LED headlights. The horns originally installed have been replaced by a compressed air whistle. Updated in this way, these locomotives are good for service for another 20 to 25 years.;;;;;;Special version with advertising for the world record attempt.The original runs on the RhB network.mfx/DCC decoder included.2 powerful motors.All wheelsets powered.


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